31 October 2023 | 10:45am | Hotel Casa Amsterdam

Join Pallavi Sharma at the Landscapes and Sustainable Commodities Conference in Amsterdam

Our Agriculture commodities sector lead Pallavi will be joining Anita Neville from Golden Agri-Resources and Giorgio Budi Indrarto from Madani to deep dive into EU’s new regulation on preventing deforestation. The Regulation forms a part of the EU’s emerging legal landscape on sustainability and mandatory due diligence to promote responsible business practices. While the Regulation is intended to reduce the EU’s impact on global deforestation and forest degradation, it may have cascading effects on the global legislative landscape especially in producer countries as well as unintended impacts on farmers, local communities and those at the very start of the supply chains. The panel will also discuss how businesses can better prepare themselves to remain compliant and keep ahead of the legislative curve.

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