Explore a selection of our projects
Improving Supply Chain Accountability for Arms Exports
BHRC has prepared a factsheet to explain key information on the law and to provide some brief answers to the most common questions.
Advice on Complying with the Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act (UFLPA)
BHRC has prepared a factsheet to explain key information on the law and to provide some brief answers to the most common questions.
Gold and the UFLPA
BHRC, in collaboration with C4ADS, has developed a briefing paper where we digest the key findings of the Fractured Veins report, take stock of the past six months since its publication, and provide recommendations to private actors.
Guidance for Shipping Sector: Conducting business during armed conflict
BHRC has prepared a guidance document for the shipping sector to provide an overview of international humanitarian law and delineate the obligations placed on businesses operating in the sector.
Conducting business during armed conflict
BHRC has prepared a guidance document to provide an overview of international humanitarian law, delineate the obligations placed on businesses, and outline how companies can engage in activities responsibly while ensuring compliance with IHL.
Advising clients on S2-11 Bill in Canada
BHRC has prepared a factsheet to explain key information on the law and to provide some brief answers to the most common questions.
Human rights due diligence assessment of gemstone supply chain
BHRC was requested by a Fortune 500 fashion company to conduct human rights due diligence on a supplier in their global gemstone supply chain in a conflict-affected and high-risk area in a East African country.
Advising clients on the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
BHRC has prepared a factsheet to explain key information on the law and to provide some brief answers to the most common questions.
Investigation into human rights violations against defenders of business and human rights related abuses in the Philippines
In 2023, BHRC conducted a remote fact gathering mission into human rights violations committed against defenders of business-related human rights abuses in the Philippines.
Promoting and Advancing International Labor Rights in Pakistan
BHRC has been working in partnership with civil society organizations and trade unions in Pakistan to strengthen accountability for labour rights abuses in Pakistan’s garment sector.
The Routes to Remedy Toolkit
BHRC, in partnership with UNDP, created an online Routes2Remedy Toolkit for HRDs in Southeast Asia that lists the domestic and international routes to remedy.
Do No Harm: Mitigating Human Rights Risks in Transplantation Medicine
BHRC prepared a Legal Advisory Report and Policy Guidance exploring the risks of international collaborations in transplant medicine, research and training and the hard and soft law obligations that govern those partnerships.
Access to Grievance Mechanisms for Local Communities and Workers in Cocoa
During the internship, a research project was undertaken in the Cavally Landscape in Ivory Coast. The research focused on concerns regarding access to remedy and the contextual challenges related to the use of any grievance mechanism by workers and local communities.
Research on Access to Remedy for Migrant Workers
BHRC was engaged by Anti-Slavery International (ASI) to conduct research, in collaboration with C–Lever, on the role of governments, businesses, employers and trade unions to improve migrant workers’ access to remedy.
Corporate Crimes Hub: Practical Tools on How to Investigate Corporate Crimes
In 2021, BHRC provided advisory services to Amnesty International to support in the creation of the Corporate Crimes Hub. The Hub is a free-to-use online resource, that provides a platform of shared information and advice, including for other organisations as well as victims of abuses.
Enhancing Compliance and Building Capacity: Combating Modern Slavery in Bangladesh
Between 2017 and 2019, BHRC undertook several projects in the Bangladesh Garment Industry to advance responsible business activity. GRC provided advisory services to industry associations, factory owners, trade unions, and government inspectors concerning the responsibility of business enterprises...