
Comprehensive HRIAs.

Human Rights Due Diligence: We design, implement and evaluate due diligence programmes to ensure you can identify and assess your company’s human rights risks on an ongoing basis and implement strategies for prevention and mitigation. Our specialised human rights due diligence process incorporates on-the-ground investigations, strategic partnerships with civil society organisations, and rigorous open-source intelligence (OSINT) analysis.

Heightened Due Diligence in CAHRAs: We provide tailored solutions to navigate conflict affected and high-risk environments, identifying how business operations interact with conflict dynamics. Our approach is based on decades of experience in conducting complex investigations in areas of armed conflict.

Impact Assessments: We help identify, understand, assess and address the adverse effects of a business project or activities on the human rights of impacted rights-holders such as workers and community members. We deliver recommendations to bridge gaps and optimise your positive impact on society.

Audit Verification: We provide independent assessments of social audits to ensure maximum compliance with human rights standards.

Expert legal consultation.

Legal Risk Management, Compliance & Advice: As international lawyers, we understand the significance of managing legal and litigation risks within the evolving business landscape. We offer comprehensive expert legal advice to ensure your business operates within the framework of international and national human rights law and complies with the UNGPs.

In addition, our team of experts specializes in providing critical advice and guidance on International Humanitarian Law (IHL), ensuring that businesses, organizations, and governments adhere to the highest ethical standards in conflict zones and beyond. With a focus on accountability, our consultancy services, training programs, and human rights due diligence monitoring empower stakeholders to navigate complex legal frameworks and foster a safer, more humane world.

Mitigating impact.

Design and Evaluation of OGMs: We help design and implement effective Operational Grievance Mechanisms (OGMs) that enable stakeholders, including affected communities and workers, to voice grievances and seek redress, fostering transparency and trust. If violations are identified, we assist with implementation of appropriate remedy.

Training: We develop and deliver bespoke human rights, modern slavery, and due diligence training curriculums for staff at all levels from C-Suite through to factory workers.

Our expertise

With our team of experienced International Human Rights Lawyers and decades of experience in human rights compliance of state and non-state actors, we design and deliver an array of advisory services and training using creative and technologically innovative methods.

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Team of Experienced International Lawyers

Our team comprises skilled international lawyers with extensive experience across several jurisdictions. We understand the unique legal challenges businesses face and can provide tailored solutions to protect your organisation's interests whilst respecting human rights and the communities you work in.

Awareness of Legal and Litigation Risks

We are well-versed in the legal and litigation risks associated with human rights issues in the corporate world. Our team's deep understanding of these risks enables us to guide you through potential pitfalls, minimise legal exposure, and safeguard your company's reputation. 

Proven Track Record of operating in CAHRAs

Our team has successfully operated in conflict-affected and high-risk areas such as Ukraine, Iraq, Pakistan, West Africa, South Sudan and Ethiopia. This firsthand experience equips us with a deep understanding of the complexities businesses may encounter in challenging environments, enabling us to provide practical and effective solutions. 

Experience in Complex Investigations

We have a proven track record of conducting intricate international investigations especially in conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs). Whether it is assessing supply chain practices, investigating labour rights violations, or fostering community cohesion our expertise allows us to uncover crucial insights and recommend appropriate actions.

Extensive Stakeholder Networks

Collaboration is key to addressing human rights challenges effectively. With our strong connections to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) across various sectors and jurisdictions, we offer a unique perspective rooted in impartiality and independence. Our partnership provides valuable insights and resources to support your business in aligning with global human rights standards. 

Latest News and Events

Heightened HRDD with UNGC UK

Heightened HRDD with UNGC UK

June 17, 2024

Beyond Human Rights Compliance delivered heightened human rights due diligence training yesterday to corporate members of the UN Global Compact Network UK Accelerator. Represented by the Head of BHRC, Lara Strangways, and Senior Legal Advisor, … Read more...