Daniel Mack is a Project Director at BHRC focused on efforts to address the misuse, diversion, and abuse of arms exports in Latin America.

Previously, Daniel spearheaded the Pathfinders’ Halving Global Violence program, establishing and convening the HGV Task Force and providing strategic direction and leadership to the Peace in Our Cities and GENSAC networks. Daniel has over fifteen years of experience working on issues of armed violence reduction and international arms control. Prior to Pathfinders, Daniel worked for five years as an independent consultant, and provided research, policy or strategic advice for several United Nations agencies (UNIDIR, UNLIREC, UNODA, UNODC) and international NGOs, including Save the Children Norway, Small Arms Survey, Control Arms, Conectas Direitos Humanos (Brazil), PAX (Netherlands), and Asociación para Políticas Públicas (Argentina).

Daniel worked for nine years at the NGO Instituto Sou da Paz in São Paulo, Brazil, spearheading its policy and advocacy arms control efforts both at the national level and at global fora. Moreover, he was co-chair of the Control Arms civil society coalition that pushed for the UN Arms Trade Treaty, among other leadership roles. Daniel has published numerous policy and research papers, press and journal articles on armed violence reduction, small arms and ammunition control, human rights and the international arms trade.

Daniel holds a master’s degree in International Relations from Georgetown University, speaks fluent English, Portuguese, and Spanish, and is currently based in Berlin, Germany.