Increasingly human rights due diligence is being regulated, through the upcoming EU (European Union) Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive; and, on particular issues like Forced Labor, through existing frameworks such as the Tariff Act in the US.

What impact and implications will this have on businesses who source agricultural commodities? And what are the practical steps they can take in preparation? Earthworm Foundation and Global Rights Compliance held an online event that answered these questions.

In the event, Wayne Jordash gave an overview of what human rights due diligence is and why it was developed. He also give examples of how he has seen it work in practice, as well as the legislative context in various countries.

This was followed by a conversation lead by Earthworm’s Charlotte Opal, who talked to Yann Wyss, Global Lead for Social Impact at Nestlé, Sylvain Cuperlier, Global Head of Sustainability at Pladis, and Karl Yen Quek, Earthworm’s Malaysia Country Head.